New square in front of tea house and restaurant. Author: Zhouyan Wu.

Architectural Acupunctures in Songyang County, Lishui City, China (Part II)

URT’s Zhouyan Wu visited Pingtian to have a concrete understanding of architectural acupuncture’s effect on #ruralrevitalization. Key factors of success include professional planning and design, a tripartite cooperation mode and a brand-oriented business model. Nevertheless, to be sustainable, Pingtian’s development needs to increase community vitality and agricultural production.

Zhang Village Revitalization Proposal, new community center and square

Zhang Village Revitalization Proposal

URT’s Zhouyan Wu and her colleagues from architectural firm #GAWA proposed a #revitalization plan for Zhang Village in Yiwu, #China. Their #design features a new community center at the heart of the village and a sequence of public spaces.

The new community center includes two ancestral halls and a new multifunctional hall in a variation layout of the traditional Chinese courtyard building. The scheme focuses on creating a solemn and cohesive space to accommodate ritual and festival activities and meet up-to-date needs.